

TOEIC 990点対策(笑) - 推奨ブラウザ Google Chrome

Q1:What is most likely to be the newest, most advanced fighter aircraft, according to the video?
A, F1
B, F15
C, F22
D, F35

Q2:According to the video, what hackers might have done?
A, They broke into thousands of confidential files about the aircraft.
B, They delivered sexy videos to the government computers.
C, They broke into few of confidential files about the aircraft.
D, They have tried to break into the confidential files for thousand years.

Q3:According to the video, what did computer security experts say?
A, The F35 is really cool.
B, It is impossible to break into such files.
C, It's time to go to bed.
D, It's hard to determine if the hackers represented a certain government.

Q1 D (But I think the F22 might be the strongest fighter jet)
Q2 A
Q3 D

(Feel free to add another question.)


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