
Cancer deaths down

toeic 990 対策 (Google Chrome is recommended.)

Q1: According to the video, what factors have helped fight against cancer diseases?
A, Advanced biotechnologies and experienced doctors.
B, Newfound viruses and genetic modifications.
C, Prevention, early detection, and better treatments.
D, Doctors' eagerness for studying cancers.

Q2: What age groups have experienced a decline in the number of cancer deaths?
A, People born after 1925.
B, People born after 3025.
C, People born after 1825.
D, People born after 1999.

Q3: What do doctors suggest, according to the video?
A, Rate of cancer diagnosis continues to drop.
B, Men are higher risk of cancer than women.
C, All cancers can be prevented.
D, Early detection and effective treatment are cutting down on cancer-related deaths.

Q1, C
Q2, A (年度などの数値は要注意。設問を見ながら音声を聞くのが理想)
Q3, D (Aは逆)



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